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Barb DeMarlie

self portrait.JPG

PAINTING…to attempt to reach out / without words / into the unknown and known of us all. It is often unstable, unfixed, fragments of the figure, of architecture, bits of an image, relevant. Put paint on, take it away, embellish, rub it off, add a layer, cover it again, do the dance, struggle, trust, and create your truth.

After completing undergraduate work in Art and Education in Colorado, Barb went on to pursue a graduate degree at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Since 2001, she has lived and created art in the Boulder community. In 2003, her work was included in the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art’s EXPOSURE SHOW for emerging artists.

osmosis gallery

290 Second Avenue l PO Box 1024 l Niwot, CO 80544-1024 l P 303.652.2668 l F 303.652.2717

M-F 10am-5pm  l  Sat 11am-5pm

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