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Glen Mergacz

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Glenn Murgacz is best known for his work with steel and copper. This New Jersey-based artist draws his inspiration from the works of Picasso and Giacometti. Murgacz is most fascinated by the human form and creates it in natural, ethereal, and primitive representations.

The works are surprising, provocative, and delightfully unpredictable. His pieces have been as diverse in size as in style, ranging from tiny delicate dancers and woodland faeries to massive keg-toting beer gods and spear-bearing warriors. Most pieces are designed to work in outdoor environments with the intention to weather with the elements.

Murgacz is known for his four stainless steel sports figures on the facade of the Woodbridge, NJ Community Center, his work with local Montessori School students in several collaborative sculpture projects, welding work with high school students, exhibits in local restaurants, and his 14-foot tall sculpture, Exhibit, Work Shop and Demonstration at the Barron Arts Center in Woodbridge, NJ. His work is in several private collections as well. E

Educated at Middlesex College and Fairleigh Dickenson University, Murgacz is an autodidact artist with a passion for the creation of monumental sculptures for open spaces

osmosis gallery

290 Second Avenue l PO Box 1024 l Niwot, CO 80544-1024 l P 303.652.2668 l F 303.652.2717

M-F 10am-5pm  l  Sat 11am-5pm

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